Tri-coloured Ecuadorian
Buy Tri-coloured Ecuadorian Mushrooms from a reputable Online Magic Mushrooms Dispensary. From the highlands of Ecuador. They were first found at 1100+ m altitudes in the Andean region of Ecuador. Buy Tri-coloured Ecuadorian Mushrooms spores
Known to have an above average amount of Psilocin and Psilocybe. It is recommend for intermediate to advanced users. Buy Tri-coloured Ecuadorian Mushrooms spores
Reports suggest that they can induce you into a euphoric state of mind that is dreamy, relaxing and possibly visual experiences. Buy Tri-coloured Ecuadorian Mushrooms spores
Trip Report
Ingested 3 grams
“I saw beautiful fractal images that encompassed my entire visual field that would sort of flicker into focus. The geometric patterns were extremely intricate, unique, colorful, and moving rapidly. When I would play music the movement of the visions would synchronize with the beat.”
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